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visione SUDS_ IMPAG.jpg
visione provinciale.jpg
visione PEPPE.jpg
visione marco.jpg
visione danilo.jpg
post-it_V.Scalisi #donne&lavoro.jpg
post-it_V.Palco #benicomuni.jpg
post-it_S.Palermiti #relazioniecologiche.jpg
post-it_R.Iero #ecocity.jpg
post-it_M.Mallamaci #cittadinanza attiva.jpg
post-it_M.Iero #visioni urbane.jpg
post-it_L.Cirella #comunità.jpg
post-it_L.Assumma #reazione.jpg
post-it_I. Giannotti #occhinuovi.jpg
post-it_G.Mangano #beni comuni.jpg
post-it_G.Cosmo #riscopertadeiluoghi.jpg
post-it_F.Vazzana #smartcity.jpg
post-it_F.Spinelli #immaginazionecreativa.jpg
post-it_F.Macrì #ri_scatto.jpg
post-it_F.Curatola #cooperazione.jpg
post-it_D.Emo #smARTcity.jpg
post-it_D.De Blasio #donnedirittielavoro.jpg
post-it_C.Nava #umanesimo&urbanesimo.jpg
post-it_C.DAgostino #smartpeople.jpg
post-it_A.Procopio #spaziresiduali.jpg
post-it_A.Palermiti #socialforsociality.jpg

Reggio Calabria Città Metropolitana


The studies, the experiences and the project proposals for the metropolitan area of Reggio Calabria, set out with the 2009 university laboratories, opened by Renato Nicolini and Consuelo Nava, "sustainable sceneries in mutable contexts " c/o the Università Mediterranea degli Studi of Reggio Calabria.


From this experience  grows out the activity of many makers and partners of the lab Pensando Meridiano and It continues out from university classrooms to study in depth many paths, projects and actions on the territory.

The project proposals for graduation thesis are more than 100 and they have stimulated "urban lab" during the university period and after it.


ReActioncity is a project of urban social innovation, It proposes an operative strategy to become a "smart sustainable city", with the proposal of "redemption projects" for urban and productive, disused areas.


Pensando Meridiano conducts, since its foundation, reflections, project proposals and visions for the areas and the metropolitan communities investigating the themes of the environment, of the cities and of the landscape as accelerators able to involve the communities in operations of regeneration, recycle and social cohesion, through the practice of the "visioning", as instrument for stimulating "the future city".  


Among the tactics in progress, the campaign of involvement of the lab for citizenship politics, "Città (in)differente" (link), with the viral communication of post-its and the activity  of ErgoSud 2015 edition and the PON Metro for the city of Reggio Calabria.




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#AZIONINNOVATIVEURBANE for Reggio Calabria metropolitan city​


> #ScaviUrbani_ photo and videomaking for urban archeological sites of Reggio Calabria metropolitan city  > click here



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