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Management of sequestered and confiscated assets to the mafia for the collective city 


The tactic RACC promotes strategies and actions of "social urban innovation" for sequestered and confiscated assets to the mafia, their management and planning in order to redeem them as civilian resources, economic and even physical space.


An innovative strategy, the "city-making", which began as a "challenge working" (challenging) in a territorial context that is load of a wealth of substantial assets seized to 'Ndrangheta and that requires a new working practice as widespread awareness that the common wellness, whether interest of social capital, the latter transformed into collective capital.


Into the idea that "the urban civilization is more contagious than other", the project proposes a shared action and innovative themes aiming to remove some of the difficulties that make the issue of management of assets still difficult:


  • the administrative rules do not yet fully effective (smart governance);

  • the difficulties of the community to understand the value and opportunities social and productive to a new form of law and economics (smart people and economy);

  • the education to the collective weellness as means to express feelings and actions of courageous witness, who are "virtuous cases" by the great power of witnesses and emulative (smart living).


Activities, which see the asset, the physical location of the object of the project, they turn more widely to places and spaces "sensitive" of the metropolitan city to which you can return an inclusive form of urban policy, to promote their capacity to redeem himself in order to put at the center of the urban public sphere, places subtracted to the community by organized crime. The Innovation activities that are proposed: 


  •  knowledge transfer through networking of "makers": stages of linking, training and information on issues (public events and urban coworking);

  • mapping with stakeholders participants in the visions / actions / projects: construction of the mapping RACC (configuration useful to provide a platform open date of civic interest);

  • activation of innovative urban laboratories, during the physical redevelopment of the property and its civil redemption: tactics of "event site" (public opening of good citizenship during the works) and "recycle" (sustainable techniques especially on seized property);

  • communication campaign and local marketing network and direct: dissemination, sharing community and viral communication (present in all stages)


The association acts with RACC in the projects:


> Action for confiscated goods and cohesion politics in the Locride Diocese_in collaboration with Progetto Policoro, Libera Nazionale, Caritas Diocesana di Locri e Gerace


- Actions

  • 21 March 2017- Giornata Nazionale della Memoria e dell'Impegno _Seminario "Il riutilizzo sociale dei beni confiscati alle mafie. Analisi e proposte a 21 anni dall’approvazione della legge n.109/96"


> Good practices on confiscated goods - Sheets: click here

> Direct Campaign - Visioning for the projects ReActionCity Woman and FabCity (edited by A. Bevacqua)












> BOOKLET prog. ReActionCity and ReActionCity Woman  >> (read here) <<

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13.04.2015 - Intervista sul cantiere di Reaction Woman a C. Nava e G. Mangano
©Riprese D. Emo, Intervista L. Assumma

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